だから、Moustacheと僕らが月一でやっている「The Bearded Lady」を東京のみどり荘で開催できることは夢のようだったし、今年のハイライトでもあるんだ。
Since the beginning of Moustache almost five years ago, we have always looked to Japan for inspiration. We purchase cloth from Japanese firms, delight in the seriousness attached to clothing and style in Japanese culture, and do our best to provide the same high level of service and attention to detail in our shop in Hong Kong as the best shops of Tokyo. So it was something of a dream come true for us when we were invited to bring Moustache and our monthly cabaret party The Bearded Lady to Tokyo by our friends at and without a doubt one of the highlights of our year. We couldn’t have asked for a more helpful team and more enthusiastic promoters of our brand than Mr. Kurosaki, MAT., Miho, Tomoji and so many other new friends. Our biggest problem now is how to get back there fast enough!
2012.7.10 tue.-14 sat. @MIDORI.SO